Subject: Frontier Poetry Open Will Award $5000 For a Poem
From Frontier Poetry, a trusted Winning Writers
| | Frontier Poetry Open | | | | In our pursuit to recognize today's best poets, we want to celebrate one outstanding piece of poetry, OPEN to all poets, with a $5000 award and publication. Ten finalists will also receive $100 each and all winners will earn publication with Frontier Poetry. The Frontier staff will select the winners and finalists. The winners and honorable mentions will be announced in February 2020. While we primarily serve as a platform for new writers, this prize is meant to support and elevate the poetry community on the whole. We look forward to offering this annual prize where emerging and established poets are considered in equal measure. | | | | | What We Look For | | We do not hold preference for any particular style or topic—we simply seek the best poem we can find. Send us work that is blister, that is color, that strikes hot the urge to live and be. For a sense of what we are looking for, read through our previously published poems or What We Look For. We warmly and sincerely invite all voices to submit. | | | | | | |
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