CRWROPPS Post: Milk & Cake Press Submissions Open

Milk & Cake Press is open for submissions for January 1- April 30, 2020.

Submission Guidelines:

Milk & Cake Press publishes full-length and chapbook collections of poetry. We are interested in manuscripts with attention to the sound of language. We would like to see experimental work, though we are open to virtually any kind of manuscript. (No light verse or limericks, please.)

Submit chapbooks of 18-30 pages or full-length collections of 48-70 pages. Manuscripts should be in Word or Apple's Pages format–no PDFs.

We want to read work of emerging and experienced poets. Please do not identify yourself. Be sure your name is not on the manuscript, and do not provide a biographical statement or acknowledgments of previously published poems. Instead, in your cover letter, provide 3-5 sentences summarizing your manuscript.

Submissions should be emailed to 

For chapbook submissions, please write "Chapbook Submission: [title of your manuscript]" in the subject line. To help us cover the cost of printing, we ask that you send a $10 submission fee via PayPal to

For full-length submissions, please write "Full-length Submission: [title of your manuscript]." To help us cover the cost of printing, we ask that you send a $25 submission fee via PayPal to

If the submission fee would prohibit you from submitting, please say so in your email.

You may submit to both categories, with the appropriate fees. Simultaneous submissions are welcome; please let us know as soon as possible should your work be accepted elsewhere (and congratulations!).


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