CRWROPPS Post: Call for Submissions (Fiction) - Post Journal

Post: a queer run, independent literary journal featuring works by queer artists and writers, is currently accepting fiction.

Here at Post, we feel the crushing weight of both the pandemic and the recent string of murders produced by systemic oppression, injustice, and racism. We need space and time to mourn and reflect and we think you probably do, too. For that reason, we will only be accepting fiction for our next issue. Why? Because as the incredible Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie says: "stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people. But stories can also repair that broken dignity." We hope diving into your craft will be a respite, a space to feel, to dream, and that collectively, we can envision the world beyond lockdown, post-covid, post-racism and post-inequality. We are especially interested in flash/micro fiction, with sci-fi, speculative, and magical realism rising to the top of our lists. We challenge you to take us to the stars, to an alternative reality, or somewhere entirely made of dreams. We want the future and we want it queer, diverse, and thriving. Submit by August 1st   


All best,

A.M. Wild & Mary Mezzano

POST Editors-in-Chief


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