Fw: 2020 Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award is Open for Submissions through 8/15

From: C.D. Wright Women Writers Conference <cdwrightconference@gmail.com>

Subject: 2020 Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award is Open for Submissions through 8/15

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Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award

Now Open for Submissions through 8/15


As part of its mission to promote the work and careers of women writers, the C.D. Wright Women Writers Conference is excited to sponsor the Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award, which celebrates emerging female-identifying writers whose writing shows considerable promise. First, second, and third place winners will receive a monetary prize ($500, $250, and $100 respectively) and will be invited to share a video or audio-only recording of their work, which will be posted on this website and shared via social media.

​Eligibility: Any female-identifying writers* who consider themselves to be an emerging writer in their respective field or genre may apply for consideration.

*Current UCA students and employees are not eligible for the Nan Snow Emerging Writer Award. 

Conference organizers encourage writing from all fields from the literary to the journalistic to the professional genres. Our deadline is August 15, 2020. Check out our award submission guidelines and send us your work, if eligible!

Past winners include:
Stacy Pendergrast, first place
Abigail Greenbaum, second place
Alyse Bensel, third place
Ellie Black, first place
Stacey Balkun, second place
Jennifer 'Coffy' Davis, third place
Taneum Bambrick, honorable mention
Callista Buchen, first place
Allison Frase Reavis, second place
Abby Minor, third place
Rachel Ranie Taube, honorable mention

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C.D. Wright Women Writers Conference
Sandy Longhorn, Creative Writing, UCA
Thompson Hall 306, 201 Donaghey Ave.
Conway, AR 72035

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