CRWROPPS Post: Journal of Creative Writing Studies

Journal of Creative Writing Studies Reviewer Pool: Call for Applications

Journal of Creative Writing Studies is open for applications to its reviewer pool in all sections. Our deadline for applications is August 31st, 2020. Please send all application materials to James Ryan at

We seek diverse candidates with an interest in helping us grow, broaden, and deepen the scholarly study of creative writing, especially in terms of how creative writing intersects with other research areas.

Reviewers will provide feedback on anonymized submissions to the journal in their section and will take part in developing the reach of their assigned section.

Applicants should send a current CV along with a cover letter describing their interest, their commitment to diversity, their membership status in professional organizations (including their status in the Creative Writing Studies Organization), and the section or sections for which they would like to review.

Journal of Creative Writing Studies publishes scholarship in the following sections:

Research: Qualitative and Quantitative
Social Action
Theory, Culture, and Craft
Diversity and Inclusion

Professionalization and Labor
Digital and Multimedia/Multimodal

For descriptions of each section, visit the journal's submission guidelines at

Please send all application materials to James Ryan at Our deadline for applications is August 31st, 2020.

From: Joseph, Allison E <>
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 12:05 PM
To: Hirt, Jennifer Lee <>
Subject: Re: Post on CWROPPS?
i put CRWROPPS on hiatus until August 15. I'm too much of a wreck right now to tend to it.

Allison Joseph

From: Hirt, Jennifer Lee <>
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 10:40 AM
To: Joseph, Allison E <>
Subject: Re: Post on CWROPPS?

[EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT]: Verify sender before opening links or attachments.

Hi Allison!

Checking in to see if you can post this call for reviewers on CWROPPS. Or maybe I missed the post in July? My bad if you posted it! Here are the details of the post:

Journal of Creative Writing Studies Reviewer Pool: Call for Applications

Journal of Creative Writing Studies is open for applications to its reviewer pool in all sections. Our deadline for applications is August 31st, 2020. Please send all application materials to James Ryan at

We seek diverse candidates with an interest in helping us grow, broaden, and deepen the scholarly study of creative writing, especially in terms of how creative writing intersects with other research areas.

Reviewers will provide feedback on anonymized submissions to the journal in their section and will take part in developing the reach of their assigned section.

Applicants should send a current CV along with a cover letter describing their interest, their commitment to diversity, their membership status in professional organizations (including their status in the Creative Writing Studies Organization), and the section or sections for which they would like to review.

Journal of Creative Writing Studies publishes scholarship in the following sections:

Research: Qualitative and Quantitative
Social Action
Theory, Culture, and Craft
Diversity and Inclusion

Professionalization and Labor
Digital and Multimedia/Multimodal

For descriptions of each section, visit the journal's submission guidelines at

Please send all application materials to James Ryan at Our deadline for applications is August 31st, 2020.

Thank you so much and take care,

Jen Hirt
Penn State Harrisburg

From: Hirt, Jennifer Lee <>
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2020 4:54 PM
To: Joseph, Allison E <>
Subject: Re: Post on CWROPPS?
Hi Allison -- Thank you, and I hope you are feeling better. I've been exhausted and napping everyday this week -- not sure if it's just the summer heat getting to me or something else. Ugh.

Take care,

From: Joseph, Allison E <>
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2020 11:18 AM
To: Hirt, Jennifer Lee <>
Subject: Re: Post on CWROPPS?
Hi Jen:
Will post next week--feeling a bit ill today (my stomach has been bugging me lately).
Stay safe,
Allison J.

Allison Joseph

From: Hirt, Jennifer Lee <>
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 9:07 AM
To: Joseph, Allison E <>
Subject: Post on CWROPPS?

[EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT]: Verify sender before opening links or attachments.

Hi Allison,

Could you share this call for reviewers on CWROPPS? It's not book reviewing, it's for being a reader/reviewer for the scholarly Journal of Creative Writing Studies. I did it for a few years but have since moved up to senior editor (woo-hoo!). And if it's not appropriate for CWROPPS, that's not a problem -- just thought I would ask, since CWROPPS reaches a wide audience. Hope you are well during all this craziness -- Jen Hirt

Journal of Creative Writing Studies Reviewer Pool: Call for Applications

Journal of Creative Writing Studies is open for applications to its reviewer pool in all sections. We seek diverse candidates with an interest in helping us grow, broaden, and deepen the scholarly study of creative writing, especially in terms of how creative writing intersects with other research areas.

Reviewers will provide feedback on anonymized submissions to the journal in their section and will take part in developing the reach of their assigned section.

Applicants should send a current CV along with a cover letter describing their interest, their commitment to diversity, their membership status in professional organizations (including their status in the Creative Writing Studies Organization), and the section or sections for which they would like to review.

Journal of Creative Writing Studies publishes scholarship in the following sections:

Research: Qualitative and Quantitative
Social Action
Theory, Culture, and Craft
Diversity and Inclusion
Professionalization and Labor
Digital and Multimedia/Multimodal

For descriptions of each section, visit the journal's submission guidelines at

Please send all application materials to James Ryan at Our deadline for applications is August 31st, 2020.

Jen Hirt
Associate Professor of Creative Writing
Penn State Harrisburg

Office: Olmsted W356
Work phone: 717-948-6167
Address: Penn State Harrisburg
             777 W. Harrisburg Pike
             Middletown, PA 17057-4898


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