CRWROPPS Post: DEADLINE EXTENDED for the 2020 Missouri Review Editors' Prize

Subject: DEADLINE EXTENDED for the 2020 Missouri Review Editors' Prize

Dear Allison Joseph,


I hope this letter finds you and your communities doing well as we begin October.


I wanted to let you know that last night we announced the extension of the Missouri Review's 30th annual Jeffrey E. Smith Editors' Prize, which awards $5000 to one winner each in poetry, fiction and nonfiction. I wanted to make sure that your writers saw the announcement of the new deadline of October 15, and have attached an updated flyer here. I would appreciate it so much if you could pass this information along to the writers in your community via email or social media, and post the flyer where your community would be sure to see it.


We continue to encourage writers of all levels to submit; all entries are considered for publication. Winners of the prize in each genre will receive $5000 each, publication in the Missouri Review and will be invited to a night of reading and conversation about their work.


Entry fees continue to be $25 and $30. Both entry levels receive a 1-year digital subscription to TMR and Strange Encounters: Stories from the Missouri Review. The $30 All Access level also includes access to our ten-year archive, complete with print and audio versions of TMR.


You can find out more about the contest through our website:


Thanks very much for sharing this new deadline with your writers. Please do let us know any questions you have by contacting us at


We look forward to reading your writers' submissions!


All best,


Bailey Boyd, Contest Editor

The Missouri Review

357 McReynolds Hall

University of Missouri

Columbia, MO 65211


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