CRWROPPS Post: Poetry of the Sacred Contest

The 2021 Poetry of the Sacred Contest opens
Monday, July 19.

Submissions will be accepted through
Monday, August 30.
How to Enter a Big City
by Thomas Merton

Swing by starwhite bones and
Lights tick in the middle.
Blue and white steel
Black and white
People hurrying along the wall.   
"Here you are, bury my dead bones."

Curve behind the sun again  
Towers full of ice. Rich  
Glass houses, "Here,
Have a little of my blood,"  
Rich people!"

Wheat in towers. Meat on ice.
Cattlecars. Miles of wide-open walls.   
Baseball between these sudden tracks.   
Yell past the red street—
Have you any water to drink, City?   
Rich glass buildings, give us milk!   
Give us coffee! Give us rum!

There are huge clouds all over the sky.
River smells of gasoline.
Cars after cars after cars, and then
A little yellow street goes by without a murmur.

There came a man
("Those are radios, that were his eyes")   
Who offered to sell us his bones.

Swing by starwhite buildings and   
Lights come to life with a sound   
Of bugs under the dead rib.

Miles of it. Still the same city.

Introducing Guest Judge
Ricardo Nazario-Colon
The Center for Interfaith Relations is pleased to announce this year's guest judge of the Thomas Merton Poetry of the Sacred contest, Ricardo Nazario-Colon. Nazario-Colon is a member of the Affrilachian poets, with deep ties to the Appalachian landscape that Thomas Merton shared. Both poets dwell in personal identity, human experiences through sensation, and deeper questioning of language and relationships.

The Thomas Merton Prize in Poetry of the Sacred is awarded to the poet who best embodies this tradition of writing as an act of sacred contemplation. 
Contest Details:

Poetry of the Sacred will be open for submissions July 19 through August 30, 2021. This year's final judge, Ricardo Nazario-Colon, will select three honorable mentions to receive $100, and one winning poem to be awarded the $500 Thomas Merton Prize in Poetry of the Sacred. The winning poem will be published in an upcoming issue of Parabola Magazine, an internationally recognized magazine devoted to the sacred. 
Submission Details:
  • Entry fee of $15 per one poem, non-refundable. (Some entry fee scholarships are available on a limited first come, first serve basis. Please e-mail for details.) 
  • Online submissions only. (If you are unable to submit online, please e-mail or call 502.583.3100 Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm EST.) 
  • Submissions should be one single piece of work. Please do not include multiple poems in one entry. 
  • Submissions should be less than 1,000 words. 
  • Submitted work should be unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are expected and welcome. 
  • Poem must be anonymous—the author's name or address must not appear anywhere on the attached document containing the poem. 

Final poems will be selected mid-September and all applicants will be notified of the winning poem and three honorable mentions via email. Announcements will also be made online and through the general Center for Interfaith Relations and Festival of Faiths email communications. 
The Center for Interfaith Relations' mission is to celebrate the diversity of faith traditions, express gratitude for our unity and strengthen the role of faith in society through common action.

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"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."
Thomas Merton


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