CRWROPPS Post : Fiction Southeast Editors' Prize

Fiction Southeast is excited to announce the Fiction Southeast Editors' Prize. Each year, the editors of Fiction Southeast will select a winner (and three runners-up).


Entries for the Fiction Southeast Editors' Prize should be approximately 1500 words or less. Submissions should be unpublished and in rtf, .doc, or .pdf format. Feel free to submit multiple stories, but please DO NOT submit multiple Word documents as one submission or one text document containing multiple stories. Instead, please submit each story as a SEPARATE entry (so that you complete an individual submission process for each story). Submissions should be unpublished. Simultaneous submissions ARE welcome. Contest will open annually in June with a deadline of August 31st. Entry fee is $10. All entries will be considered for publication in Fiction Southeast.

Winner – $200 and publication in Fiction Southeast
Runners-up – publication in Fiction Southeast

Click here to submit your entry.


Chris Tusa
English Department, Louisiana State University



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