Fw: Doubleback Review Call for Submissions and Doubleback Books Open Reading Period

Subject: Doubleback Review Call for Submissions and Doubleback Books Open Reading Period



Doubleback Books' 2021 Open Reading Period 

for Previously Published Poetry and Prose Books


Doubleback Books, an imprint of Sundress Publications, is open for submissions for previously published poetry and prose books. All eligible previously published authors are welcome to submit their manuscripts during our reading period from July 1st-31st, 2021. 


If you are the author of a book that has gone out of print since 2000, we want to read it. Authors of works that have gone out of print due to the closure of the original press may submit full-length or short books, including novels, novellas, chapbooks, short story collections, poetry collections, essay collections, and memoirs. Editors may also submit out of print manuscripts their presses published before closing.


Submit your manuscript(s) in a .PDF or .DOC format to doubleback@sundresspublications.com and include the name of the manuscript's original publisher, the name and contact information of the publisher's former editor-in-chief (if available), and a brief cover letter in the body of the email telling us about your work and yourself, noting the genre of the manuscript. 


Accepted manuscripts will be turned into free downloadable e-books available. We do not republish translated work or previously self-published work. You can read our previously published titles here.

Doubleback Review is Seeking Short-Form Previously Published Works

Doubleback Review is currently seeking submissions for our 3:2 issue! We are a part of Doubleback Press, a small press that specializes in accepting works that were once accepted by journals and presses that have since gone defunct or offline. Doubleback Review has also had a special edition for conscientiously withdrawn pieces, works that were withdrawn from journals because of harmful behavior from an editor. We are a home for your retired darlings, and we are also committed to uplifting the voices of marginalized creators.

We are open for submissions year-round and accept poetry, short stories, artwork, and more short-form work. Poets should send up to five poems, and prose writers should send up to 4,000 words total in one document (Word preferred), each piece beginning on a separate page. Include your name and email address at the top of each page. Below each piece, specify where it was previously published.

Artists may send one high-resolution image in .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, or .PDF format, up to 25 MB in size. Please include an artist statement and specify where the piece was previously published in the cover letter field. Our full submission guidelines can be found here.


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