CRWROPPS Post : Etchings Press 2022 Book Prizes

Etchings Press, a student-run publisher at University of Indianapolis, welcomes submissions for its annual contests: a chapbook of poetry, a chapbook of prose, and a novella.

The deadline for all contests is Tuesday, February 1, 2022. 

UIndy graduate and undergraduate students will read the submitted manuscripts and choose a winner in each category. The students will then edit, design, publish, and promote the chapbooks and the novella.

Students are interested in editing and publishing authors in our region. The students are using the 370 miles between Flannery O'Connor's Milledgeville, Georgia, and William Faulkner's Oxford, Mississippi, as the relative mileage for regional literature. Using UIndy's campus on the southside of Indianapolis as a starting point, that distance makes a circle which includes all of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, most of Michigan, Tennessee, and West Virginia, and parts of Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, and even Ontario. To see if you're eligible for submission, please see the circle on this map.

Each year, students will judge and publish one chapbook in poetry, one chapbook in prose, and one novella. Mixed genre and multiple author manuscripts are welcome. All topics/themes are welcome.

Please submit through Submittable. Read full guidelines on Submittable or at our website.


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