CRWROPPS Post: Call for Submissions: A Body You Talk To: An Anthology of Contemporary Disability
Sundress Publications announces an open submission call for A Body You Talk To: An Anthology of Contemporary Disability, a collection of works by Disabled writers and poets that pushes defiantly against what it means to be Disabled today.
The last two years have been an especially challenging time to be Disabled as isolation, illness, and stress are at an all-time high—three things that already disproportionately impact those of us who are disabled. Yet we remain a sexy, vibrant, hilarious, and brilliant community. Disabled friends, have you looked at yourself lately? Stunning! And this is what we seek to reflect in our upcoming anthology.
Disabled writers and poets alike are invited to submit work to A Body You Talk To; An Anthology of Contemporary Disability slated for release in Fall 2022. Send us your stories and poems of sex, of illness, of pandemic isolation, of medication challenges, access victories (or failures); send us the messy and funny, the profound and unruly. Send us words in which we can feel you loving yourself. Works may, but are not required to, include direct inference of disability experiences in the body and in the world. Writers and poets may submit on any topic and are not required to disclose their specific disability. Works by Disabled BIPOC and LGBTQ+ writers and poets is specifically sought.
Contributors will be paid a small honorarium. This anthology will appear in a digital format.
Interested writers and poets should submit up to 5 poems or 1 piece of prose (max. 750 words) along with a short bio (max. 100 words), a preferred email address, phone number, and physical mailing address on this form by April 30, 2022. Previously published work will be considered as long as you retain the right to reprint it and note where it first appeared. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable as long as they are noted as such and the author notifies the editor at that the work has been accepted elsewhere before notification of acceptance in the anthology. Early submission is recommended as work will be assessed as it arrives.
Artwork by Disabled artists is also sought for consideration for this anthology. To submit, please send high-resolution JPEGS and a short bio (max. 100 words) along with your preferred email address, phone number, and physical mailing address through the form, above.
Tennison Black will serve as the editor for this anthology. Black is a queer, autistic, and multiply-disabled writer who received an MFA at Arizona State University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Collagist, The Seattle Times, SWWIM, Hotel Amerika, 45th Parallel, Wordgathering, and New Mobility among others. She has taught composition, creative writing, and/or publishing at Arizona State University, Western Washington University, Perryville Women's Prison, and the National University of Singapore. She is the Managing Editor at Sundress Publications and the Best of the Net Anthology.
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