CRWROPPS Post: This submission opportunity is especially for parents!


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We frequently get feedback that you all wish there were more opportunities to publish - and get paid - for your work.

So Pen Parentis has partnered with Litro Magazine to create a special publishing opportunity for writers who are parents!

The magazine LITRO USA comes out in glorious and well-designed print, and issue number 184 is devoted to the idea of PLACE. For this issue, they specifically have requested that writers who are parents submit amazing essays and fiction about the idea of PLACE. They particularly seek nonfiction essays about how place influences your written work and your creative process. Some ideas to get you started:
* Did you move from an urban setting to a rural setting?
* Did you relocate because of the kids to a better school district?
* Are you a person who writes as an expat?
* Are you challenged/inspired by the local culture as regards your writing?
* Do you have a writing community in your area?
* What inspires you / dismays you creatively about where you write?

But it is not just about nonfiction - LITRO is a literary magazine - if you have stories in which the main theme is one of PLACE, these are also highly encouraged.

Please follow this link to carefully read their guidelines and submit your best work - the competition will be extraordinary as they have some key pieces from very well known authors already.

This is NOT a contest - they will publish as many as they deem worthy - so submit your very best work!

Poets: they are not calling for poetry for this issue at this time, though they do have a poetry contest currently in process.

This link will take you to Litro's entire list of open submissions. Good luck!


Be a good friend. Please share this opportunity on your social media with other writer-parents.

The more people who submit great work, the more we convince the arts industry that writers with kids are a legitimate force in the Arts world and that we deserve to be heard -- not just on submission calls but also to have accessible colonies, to have agents and editors who can work around our family obligations to allow our careers to develop.

With your help, the writing industry could be the first industry in the USA to actually acknowledge that having a kid can be completely compatible with having a great career.

Here's a sample post, feel free to cut/paste, add hashtags, and edit as you like:

I'm submitting to Litro's call for stories and essays on PLACE and I think you should submit too - they partnered with @PenParentis and are particularly seeking great submissions from people who have kids. Here's the link and good luck:


We are always here for all writer-parents - consider Title Membership to help support us as well--it starts at only $10/month! Not a writer-parent? Click the Donate button.


Write well -
Your fans at Pen Parentis


PS: Hungry for community? Starved for inspiration? Consider joining our Productive Brunch Accountability group.

Online -- every Thursday at 11am Pacific time (that's 2pm Eastern and do your own math for other time zones) -- open to ALL Title Members of Pen Parentis (see above to become a Title Member if you're not one already.)

So far in JUNE ALONE this group (with members from Massachusetts, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee--run by Laura Wheatman Hill out of Oregon) has seen acceptances in Literary Mama, Moms Don't Have Time To, Windhover, and Peregrine, Amherst's journal. Also: a sidewalk poem, a corporate prize finalist, and one of their manuscripts made the UCLA-manuscript synopsis final 8.

Congratulations to Laura for running a fantastic accountability group. Want to join? Just grab yourself a Title Membership and/or reply to this email!

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