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SMALL PRESSES  * ACADEMIC PRESSES  * MICRO PRESSES  *  SELF-PUBLISHERS — $2,500 GRAND PRIZE — LOW ENTRANCE FEE: discount $60 early registration postmarked by 12/14 ($70 after)

Register early at a discount.

New or old, we want to read your book. … Each year, independent publishers release extraordinary books to little or no recognition. The Eric Hoffer Book Award recognizes excellence in publishing. A SINGLE REGISTRATION gives you SEVEN WAYS TO WIN by genre, press, the Montaigne Medal, the da Vince Eye, the First Horizon Award, the Medal Provocateur (for poetry), and the Hoffer grand prize. There is a category for every book. (See submission guidelines below, check our listing in Writer's Market, or visit E-books and chapbooks also accepted.

          * $2,500 GRAND PRIZE *
          * Low Entrance Fee: $60 early registration by 12/14 *
          * Many Categories (see below) *
          * E-BOOK categories for fiction and nonfiction digital submissions *
          * LEGACY categories for books older than 2 years *
          * CHAPBOOK category at a reduced rate: $45 *
          * New  MEDAL PROVOCATEUR for the best on the frontier of poetry *

* $2,500 GRAND PRIZE (the Eric Hoffer Award for Books)
* Winner of the Montaigne Medal for most thought-provoking books
* Winner of the da Vinci Eye for best covers
* Winner of the First Horizon Award for debut authors
* Winner of the Medal Provocateur for experimental poetry
* Winner and First Runner-Up awarded for every category
* Honorable Mentions for every category
* Individual Awards for Micro, Small, and Academic Presses, as well as Self-Published Books
* Coverage in The US Review of Books ( and on
* Gold Seal Certificates
* Worldwide Exposure

Our categories cover the entire spectrum of publishing: Art, Poetry, Chapbook, General Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Children, Middle Reader, Young Adult, Historical Fiction, Mystery/Crime, Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Short Story/Anthology, Spiritual Fiction, Culture, Memoir, Business, Reference, Home, Health, Self-Help, Spiritual Nonfiction, Legacy Fiction, Legacy Nonfiction, E-book Fiction, and E-book Nonfiction.


* General FAQ:
* Registration form:
* Registration fees payment:
* Categories explained:
* E-Book registration instructions:
* Pre-registration instructions (sending the book separately from the form & fee):
* Practical advice for registering:

Not only is The Eric Hoffer Book Award one of the most recognized awards for independent and small presses, it is the most economical way to achieve publicity and recognition. Read Hoffer Award success stories ( Read previous contest coverage in the US Review of Books ( and view past winners and press releases at


SUBMISSION GUIDELINES (entry deadline January 21st, 2023):

     AWARDS ARE OPEN to academic, independent, small press, and self-published books that were released or copyrighted in the last 2 years (January 2021 to January 2023), including unique books with small print runs. (Books over 2 years enter the LEGACY FICTION or LEGACY NONFICTION category.)

     AWARDS/PRIZES: One grand prize will be awarded for the entire contest. In addition, each category will be awarded a winner, runner-up, and multiple honorable mentions. Books must be registered by CATEGORY and then are automatically considered for Individual Press Awards, the Montaigne Medal, the da Vinci Eye, the First Horizon Award, and the Hoffer Grand Prize.

     FOR EACH CATEGORY ENTRY, submit the book, entry form, and registration fee (check, money order, or Internet payment receipt: $60 early registration postmarked by 12/14 and $70 after) to Hopewell Publications, LLC, PO Box 11, Titusville, NJ 08560. Books sent in digital form must enter an E-Book category. Registration will be confirmed via e-mail. In May, all entrants will be notified of winners. Final submissions must be postmarked by January 21, 2023 and arrive by the end of that month.

     JUDGES may include authors, editors, agents, publishers, book producers, artists, experienced category readers, and health and business professionals. Note: Contest closed to the staff of Hopewell Publications and previous WNBA winning entries. At the low entrance fee, it is not feasible to provide judge's critiques for each entry.


Fax: (609) 964-1718
The Eric Hoffer Awards
PO Box 11
Titusville, NJ 08560

Please be patient. We receive many inquiries this time of year. We will help you.


Every registration for the Eric Hoffer Book Award is treated exactly the same. No registration gets preferential treatment over another or automatic finalist consideration. We are aware that certain book marketers offer preferred registrations under a host of names and at inflated rates as high as %800 or more above our standard registration fees. These marketers will simply register your book like every other book at our standard registration fee, and your book will be considered in the exact same fashion as every other. The Eric Hoffer Book Award never phones or e-mails with aggressive marketing campaigns and promises. These are typically outfits illegally using our trademark without permission and seeking large profits as those mentioned above.

We want to help you. The Eric Hoffer Book Award is primarily run by volunteers to help readers, writers, and independent publishers. We thought you would be interested in this unique opportunity to promote your book(s). Your e-mail is never sold or transferred. Only three notices are sent annually.

If you no longer want this annual notification, please use the easy unsubscribe link below. Be certain to use the e-mail address to which this message was sent; otherwise we cannot remove you from our list. Thank you!!!!

The US Review of Books and A Fresh Draft (editorial services) are proud sponsors of the Eric Hoffer Book Award.
Learn how to sponsor the Hoffer Award at

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