CRWROPPS Post: Arkana

Dear writers on the margins,

Arkana, the journal of mysteries and marginalized voices published by the Arkansas Writers' MFA Program, is now accepting submissions for its Fifteenth Issue! Please send us your fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, illustrated narratives, short scripts for the stage or screen, translations, art, or whatever hybrid work best suits the story you hope to tell. 

We want quality work that reflects our mission: to seek and foster a sense of shared wonder by publishing inclusive art that asks questions, explores mystery, and works to make visible the marginalized, the overlooked, and those whose voices have been silenced. Such individuals may come from a variety of cultural backgrounds, may identify as neurodivergent, may be part of the LGBTQ+ community, and/or have other unique perspectives that aren't part of the mainstream.

If you identify with our mission, we want to hear from you! We accept work from writers no matter their background, place(s) of origin, or education/career level—we have published writers with MFA degrees and writers still in high school, folks from our home base in Arkansas and across the world. 

Plus, we nominate our writers' work yearly for the Pushcart Prize and for other prizes, including Best of the Net. We also include an audio feature on our website, so if you're published, you'll get a chance to (quite literally) have your voice heard!

For more information, check out our submission guidelines at:

And it doesn't hurt to read through the journal for yourself, just to get a feel for what kind of stuff we're into:

Still have questions? Shoot us an email at or look us up on Facebook or Twitter, @ArkanaMag.

We can't wait to read your work!

All best,

The Arkana Editors


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